When someone calls in and hasn't registered with us... use Quick Add instead of telling the person to go to our website to apply... This ensures the caller fills out an application and is easier to just fill out their information than trying to spell out our website.

Use Quick Add:

  1. Go to Able and click on Applicants. Click on Quick Add (you do not need to check Avionte).

  1. Ask their First Name, Last Name, Email address and Phone number. (Home Location is your branch location). You do not need to fill out the rest of the info.

  2. Click on Add Applicant.  An automatic email will be sent for the person to create an application.


If the person is already in Avionte/Able, you will receive this error:

You can then copy the email address and paste it into Able search.  Find the SA's Able profile and then click on Send Password Reset. This will send an automatic email to the SA to reset their password.